Paul Y. Engineering Group Completes Sai Kung Temporary Quarantine Facilities with MiC Implementation
24 Jul 2021

The outbreak of COVID-19 has posted unprecedented challenges to all of us. In these uncertain times, the Group, as one of the leading main contractors in Hong Kong, strongly supports anti-epidemic works of the HKSAR Government by leveraging our construction expertise. In early February, we were awarded the contract of Provision of Temporary Quarantine Facilities at Mini Soccer Pitch of Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre by Architectural Services Department.


MiC from Modules Fabrication to High Quality Control

A Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) system was fully implemented to facilitate the construction progress under a tight construction schedule. Our site works and modules fabrication were conducted simultaneously in Hong Kong and Malaysia. Throughout the construction process, ranging from foundation preparation in Hong Kong, modules fabrication, assembling and inspection in Malaysia, shipping of MiC units to on-site modules installation, we maintained effective coordination with working teams, and carried out stringent monitoring and quality control, so as to ensure construction effectiveness.



Construction Effectiveness from Perfect Adoption of Advanced Technology

We deployed advanced technologies to facilitate the construction of MiC – the Candle-Loc Connection System. This notable connection system, exclusively licensed to Paul Y. – iMax, is designed for multi-storey buildings and enables a smooth, top-down installation of MiC units on-site. It allows speedy module installation as we installed 44 MiC units within 12 hours, boosting construction efficiency.


A Pioneering Example for Future MiC Application

Thanks to the combined effort of our teams, we made swift responses and overcame a number of construction hurdles brought by COVID-19, including but not limited to the shortage of concrete supply in Hong Kong, disruption on modules fabrication and material transportation processes due to Malaysia’s lockdown. This project, construction of three-storey quarantine facilities by fully implementing MiC, has been recognised by the Buildings Department as a “Pre-accepted MiC System", which serves as a noteworthy example for future MiC applications in Hong Kong.

Looking forward, we shall continue our research and development into MiC, and other advanced construction technologies and innovations. We believe, by combining the strength of our industry with the professionalism of our workforce, we can deliver diverse and sustainable construction solutions for Hong Kong.